Better Days was founded by cancer survivor Dom Strebel in 2023, 1 year after his last chemotherapy treatment for brain tumors. Built on a passion for roller hockey, Better Days preaches to the idea of toughness and resiliency in the face of adversity, much like Dom's mindset battling cancer and his road back to hockey. Better Days is committed to spreading a positive message that encourages us be proud of the challenges we've faced! Our merch is a reminder to relentlessly chase your passion and embrace the better days ahead of you!

"Remember, better days aren't something you wait for, they're something you create."

- Dom Strebel

Better Days works closely with the Taylors Hope Foundation to aid them in events to help create memorable experiences for chemotherapy patients!

A Note From Our Founder: Dom Strebel

"Since being diagnosed with a rare cancer called Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis I have undergone 3 years of chemotherapy. Through the midst of being forced to take time off of sports I loved such as roller hockey, I found my new love for golf. Golf served as an escape for me during chemotherapy and was the first piece of competitive nature I was afforded since my diagnosis. Since finishing my last treatment I have been able to emerge back into the roller hockey space and impact the sport I love in a positive way through Better Days. This brand is an extension of my story and attitude towards life! Everyday I wake up and decide to "show up" and that is what Better Days is all about.